

Searching new :

Searching new 1

Searching new 2

How to write a news report :

How to write a news report 1

How nuclear reaction works (video):

How nuclear reaction works (video) 1

How nuclear reaction works (context):

How nuclear reaction works (context) 1

How nuclear reaction works (context) 2

How nuclear reaction works (context) 3

Debate about nuclear energy (video):

Debate about nuclear energy (video) 1

Debate about nuclear energy (video) 2

Debate about nuclear energy (video) 3

Debate about nuclear energy (video) 4

Debate about nuclear energy (video) 5

Action plan (PDF):

Action plan 1

Action plan 2 

Action plan 3

Effects of Nuclear Energy:

Effects of Nuclear Energy 1

Effects of Nuclear Energy 2

Effects of Nuclear Energy 3

Effects of Nuclear Energy 4

Effects of Nuclear Energy 5

Response Paper:

Guide, Rubric, Example:

Response Paper 1

Response Paper 2

Response Paper 3

Response Paper 4

Response Paper 5

Response Paper 6




Debate information: eg. 1 eg. 2

Credits. doc



Author Biography

Linlin Xia
I am an international student from China. I major in instrunctional technology.

Hui Yang
I am an international student in ESU and I am interested in education situation in America, especially Elementary Education. I hope we can share different opinions and experience about education.

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This WebQuest was created in QuestGarden