This Webquest is designed for 8th grade students. Most of them are between thirteen and fourteen years old, depending on when their birthday occurs.
The Thirteen Year Old: Growth Patterns
High physical energy
Skin problems emerging; hygiene a key issue
Girls: 95% of mature height in average girl; menstruating has begun for most
Boys: voice change for many; growth spurt about a year behind girls
Neatness a key issue with personal appearance, not with personal environment
The mirror is their best friend and worst enemy
Often quieter than 12's or 14's
Like to be alone at home
Feelings easily hurt and can easily hurt other's feelings
Mean = scared
Touchy; flaring anger
Close friendships more obviously important to girls
Boys hang in groups or formal gangs
Girls more interested in older boys
Strong sports interest in both genders
Telephone, computer, video games and other electronic diversions a major factor
Music becoming a major preoccupation
Peer pressure increasing regarding dress, language, music, in-out, being cool
Worries about school work
Humor highlighted by growth of sarcasm
Horseplay, practical jokes still high in boys
Collections of things (jewelry, make-up, tapes)
One word answers to adult questions (minimal feedback)
Street language/peer language important
Extreme language and volume in face of parental involvement
Withdrawn and sensitive nature is protective of developing self-concept and intellectual ideas that remain not fully formed
Abstract reasoning and "formal operations" begin to be functional in some 13's
Tentative approach to difficult intellectual tasks; not willing to take big learning risks
Like to challenge intellectual as well as social authority
The Fourteen Year Old: Growth Patterns
High energy continues
Generally healthy age-pushes through illness in desire to participate with peers
Alcohol and drugs a major influence on physical well being
Girls; full development nearly complete
Boys; growth spurt continues
Both; sexually active in increasing percentages
Upper body strength beings to develop in boys
High need for physical exercise and snacking
Like to do as much as possible-cram as much into the day as they can
More of their own adult personality evident
Often embarrassed to be see with their parents; critical of parental dress, habits, friends, ideas
Especially don't like or respond well to adult lectures; feel that they know what is going to be said once a few words have been spoken; "know it all" stage
Can be a pain at home and a star at school
Peer language patterns of paramount importance, but learning to negotiate adult world as well
Will engage more in a group discussion
Interested in the meaning of words; developing a broader vocabulary
More abstract reasoning evident, especially in regard to cause and effect
More willing to admit an error, revise their work or try something a second or third time
Very aware of problems in larger world and generally still invested in finding solutions and participating in learning more
Interested in technology and hot things work
Learn well in cooperative groups
Responds well to academic variety and challenge
Easily "bored"'
In addition to the common characteristics of 8th grade students, the teacher still need to know your students' learning styles, prior knowledge of nuclear energy and their expectations of course outcomes. In the introductory activity, students have posted all the questions they want know about nuclear on the blog, which is helpful for teachers to know about their expectations of course outcomes.